Lymphatic Massage Consent Form

A copy of this completed consent form along with post treatment advice will be emailed to the email address you provide below.

    • I understand it is my responsibility to inform the practitioner of any changes in my medical condition or medications and agree to do so at the start of the Lymphatic Drainage sessions.
    • I give permission to the practitioner to perform Lymphatic Drainage Massage.
    • I understand that the practitioner cannot be held responsible or liable for any contraindications, negative after effects, side effects, injuries, accidents or other liabilities during or post Lymphatic Drainage session.
    • I have stated all my known medical conditions and take it upon myself to keep the practitioner updated on changes in my physical health. By signing below I am consenting to this treatment and acknowledge that Lymphatic Drainage Massage may take several treatments to see results. I agree to give 48 hours notice before cancelling or rearranging appointments.
    • I have discussed the Lymphatic Drainage Massage with my Doctor / GP / Surgeon (if required) and been given the go ahead to perform Lymphatic Massage.