Hijama Cupping Covid 19 Coronavirus
hijama cupping for covid 19 coronavirus

Hijama Cupping Covid 19 Coronavirus

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Hijama Cupping Covid 19 Coronavirus

We re-open 6th June 2020

Please wear a face-cover to appointments

Please do not bring family, friends or children to the appointment – sorry!

Please tell us of any Covid-19 symptoms

when booking the appointment, and

before and after attending the clinic

Safe Practice Guidance

We re-open after lockdown from Saturday 6 June 2020, having carried out a Covid-19 risk assessment.

A resumption of our clinic services is based on strict PPE, Distancing, Triaging, Risk Assessments and Health and Safety considerations. This advice may change in accordance with Government guidance and legal updates, which are continuously being announced

These Covid-19 guidelines are in addition to our existing safe practice codes and regulations

Please consider carefully your own individual risks before booking an appointment

Help us to keep you safe, and your fellow clients

General Hygiene

For the moment, we can only accommodate clients who have booked appointments

To reduce the risk, clients should not bring relatives or friends who are not having treatment

Social distancing applies in our waiting area

At the moment, please do not bring children with you to the appointment

Please arrive on time – we are spreading appointments so that there should be no ‘cross-over’ between client households

Clients should bring their own drinks and remove their waste with them

We are currently not providing honey, dates or water – clients may wish to bring these

Clients should bring their own prayer mats

Practitioners and clients should tie back hair

Toilet facilities are available and frequent servicing and cleaning is done between uses

We use suitable sanitising and cleaning agents with antiviral and antibacterial properties

After each client, we sanitise door handles, taps, light switches and other commonly touched utilities

Antiviral sanitising agents are used on surfaces and floors

In accordance with our established practice, we continue to always dispose of cups and blades after a single use


We do not book appointments for those who are self-isolating, or shielding, and those with possible Covid-19 symptoms until 14 days after symptoms have abated

At the time of booking the appointment, please advise us of any of the above

Please advise us, when discussing appointments, whether you or anyone in your household has a high temperature, chronic dry cough, loss of smell and/or taste at the moment or within the last 2 weeks

Please book 2 weeks after any of the above symptoms have stopped

PPE for Clients

Clients must provide their own face covering and wear it on arrival and throughout the appointment

Clients not wearing a face covering may not be permitted entry to the clinic – this is under the practitioner’s discretion.

Clients may be asked to wash their hands for 20 seconds on arrival for their appointment

PPE for Practitioners

At all times, we follow appropriate and current guidelines for PPE for practitioners

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