Hijama and Cancer – Can Cupping Help with Cancer Patients?
hijama cupping and cancer

Hijama Cupping Therapy and Cancer

Okay, the million-dollar question, can hijama cure cancer? We have received numerous questions regarding this matter and now we have decided to create a little section about cancer and hijama. First of all we would like people to understand the purpose of hijama and why people do it. We will explain this briefly as there are tons of information available about hijama on the internet. As Muslims, we get hijama done because the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) performed hijama and advised his ummah to do it. There are many hadiths that teaches us who performed hijama and for what reasons. As science and technology developed we now have the ability to study and visualise diseases at a microscopic level. One must understand that hijama is a complimentary medicine; it is an excellent detoxification process. People go on a detoxification programme and this involves for them to have healthy food such as higher intakes of vegetable, fruits and juices that contains anti-oxidants and cutting down/stop the intake of unhealthy food and substances. In time the body gradually removes the toxins that are inside your body.

Wet hijama is performed on the surface of the skin with light scratches, the body produces many toxins and pathogen, as a person goes older the immune system gets weaker, making it easy for diseases to build up. If you can make it easy for blood to circulate by taking these harmful substances out from your system, your organs will function better. We like to think of the blood cells as little soldiers at work, if we can help them by getting rid of harmful toxins it will make their lives a lot easier. We always say to our patients, do you have a bath once in your life and say I am clean forever? No, the body builds up toxins and dirt so you have to regularly keep yourself clean to stay healthy. Just like that, underneath your skin harmful toxins, pathogen and dead blood cells build up and hijama is the fastest way to detoxify your body. Today it is also recognised as bloodletting, if a person’s iron level is high, bloodletting helps it to normalise. There are so many benefits the list goes on.Can hijama cure cancer? The answer is No. Now we do not want people to think that if you lose an arm hijama can help it grow back, there is no evidence or track record of studies of it curing cancer or dangerous diseases. Hijama simply is a complimentary medicine, a detoxification process. People go on to other detox programs by eating and drinking anti oxidant juices and by fasting.

First let us understand what is cancer? We have learnt in our school days that the human tissue is made up of cells. These cells have the ability to replicate and divide and many have different functions. In our body we have hormones, they play a special role, and they send information to the cells to perform a specific action. In order for these cells to survive blood needs to carry oxygen and glucose to replenish these cells. We also have something called the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system that helps fight and get rid of harmful toxins and bacteria. Now let us understand the meaning of ‘benign’ and ‘malignant’ growth. Cells become abnormal when their DNA (knowledge) becomes corrupted. As long there are only few amounts of abnormal cells our immune system can fight against it. It is only when these cells start dividing uncontrollably forming lumps and growth that is when we have a problem. The lumps that are formed are called tumours. Malignant means cancerous and benign means non-cancerous, the malignant tumours can spread into the surrounding tissues, destroy the tissues and cause other tumour growth. Benign tumours normally don’t cause much damage, but they can become life threatening if they start to divide. When cancer cells start to grow they do not know when to stop or when to die, they can also become metastasis, which means they can break away into the vascular system, spread and grow somewhere else  in the body. Cancer becomes very dangerous when they start to make their own blood vessels to supply them with oxygen.So overall we know that cancer is a cell with damaged DNA that acts abnormally. Can hijama fix the DNA (knowledge of the cell)? The answer is No. Research shows us that there are cancers that grow in older people very slowly, but they do not lead to any problems in their lifetime. From this, we believe that when a person goes older their energy level is decreased and cancer cells need the energy to grow. We believe fasting can help as it reduces energy and slows down the body, it is one of the best ways of detoxifying the system.

We would like people to think Hijama as an extra tool to fight against cancer. Hijama can help clear toxins and promote the production of defensive cells that can make a person’s life a bit easier.

Source: globalhijama.com

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