5 Things You Should Know About Hijama Cupping

5 Things You Should Know About Hijama Cupping

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Have you ever wondered what was that much sensationalized the bruise marks on your favourite athletes’ body?

Journalists and internet are abuzz with a lot of inaccurate information. So, here let’s set the record straight.

The marks are caused by Hijama cupping therapy, usually performed by specialised doctors, healers or acupuncturists. The therapy involves a doctor burning a piece of cotton inside a glass cup and apply it to the patient’s skin. This process creates suction. The theory behind this therapy suggests that moving blood can heal a lot of ailments.

Here are 5 facts about cupping that you should know:

1. Cupping therapy is not new.

You might be hearing about the cupping therapy only now, but it’s not new. It has been practised globally for centuries. The first documented medical text dates back to 1550 BC in Egypt. It is also found to have been extensively practised in China over 5000 years ago and is still being practised to this day. It was also commonly practised in Europe, Russia, Islamic Empire, Central & South Asia and the United States.

2. The cups may be made of:

  • Glass
  • Bamboo
  • Earthenware
  • Silicone

In the ancient times, the healers originally used bamboo and cattle horns as cups.

3. Marks on the skin.

Yes, cupping therapy leaves its circular marks. But these aren’t bruises and will fade off within a week. The first time you get a cupping therapy done, the marks might be more prominent as there might be a lot of stagnation. The more often you undergo a cupping therapy, the lesser the stagnation and therefore, the lighter the marks.

4. Treats a variety of conditions.

 The cupping therapy is effective for various diseases and conditions, such as:

  • paralysis
  • spondylosis
  • blood-related conditions including anaemia and haemophilia
  • rheumatic diseases including arthritis and fibromyalgia
  • gynaecological disorders
  • blood pressure
  • allergies and infections
  • asthma
  • pain management
  • acne
  • hypertension

5. Cupping is completely safe.

Cupping therapy has been in practice for centuries and is considered to be effective and healthy as long as it is performed by a trained health professional. Make sure you talk to your doctor before starting with the treatment.

Hijama cupping therapy is both a preventative and curative remedy recommended as a form of detox and maintenance of your health. It can be undertaken 2-4 times a year, under the recommendation and supervision of a doctor.

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